367390951899511 google-site-verification=BbDn50zhb4b3Bjxkxei9wGX4SwA2JX1b5LHsmHbpN-c 9 STEPS TO KNOWING E-BIKES -
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Don't let your self be fouled by a Price!!!

Always remember what you are shopping for. We are aware of the key word on Google search Cheep. If you can not afford something you really want do not buy a cheep version of it as the sweetness of the cheep price will be long gone when you discover what you actually got for your money.

There are few very important things one should know before buying an e-bike. 1 the speed is not determined by the size (W) of the motor. 2. the Wattage of your battery is always linked to the motor and the controller of your bike and makes no difference to your travelling distance of your bikes.

With that said the Amperage of the battery will determine the distance one can travel on his bikes before his battery dries out.

What you should watch for is the Wattage of your motor as the greeter the wattage is the higher the incline your bike will climb with out you having to help the motor with the pedals.

The pedals on your bike are there should you run out of battery charge you can still pedal your way to a place you can re charge your battery or home /work . The other reason for the pedal (We call it pedal assist ) is a security fetcher before you can start accelerating your bike motor. So if you need your bike to go on a steep hill make sure you have a higher Wattage motor.

Lust but not list, Lithium batteries do not come cheep what you pay is what you get.

If you get a 10AMP batterie with no matter what size motor you will get maybe 20-25km of travel with your bike before the battery will need to charge again. 12AMP will give you maybe 40KM before your battery will discharge .

This is were the cheep price comes in the greater your Amperage of your lithium battery the greater the distance you can ride your bike before you run out of power.

Lithium batteries are high risk products which cost a fortune to ship and courier and airliners do not ship batteries and not all shipping liners ship them so it can be a very long and tiering experience to replace them never mind the price. so don't forget to ask about the battery Amperage when you get your cheep bike.

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